Egypt: Dedwen - Nubian God of Resources





( N5Y5N35L1 )|

Men kheper Ra


( G26F31S29 )|



Thoth is born


Egypt: Dedwen - Nubian God of Resources


Dedwen is another of the Anthropomorphic gods, presiding over Nubia and its access to resources such as incense, who was at times worshipped in ancient Egypt. In the Pyramid Texts the king is honored as Dedwen lord of Nubia. The royal aroma is that of the incense brought by Dedwen for the gods. The connection with the monarch is also seen in the fact that Dedwen burns incense at royal births. Temples in Nubia were built for Dedwen by Tuthmosis III at el-Lessiya and Uronarti but there is no evidence for a cult center of this god north of Aswan.



Urk. IV, 1019.
rdjt j(Aw) n nb tAwj sn-tA n nswt qnj nTr pn nfr rs-tp jn wbA-nswt wab-awj nfr-prt mAa-xrw
Giving praise to the lord of the Two Lands, bowing (kissing the earth) for the strong king, this good god, the vigilant royal butler with clean hands, right-handed Neferperet.


ウルク。 IV、1019。
rdjt j(Aw) n nb tAwj sn-tA n nswt qnj nTr pn nfr rs-tp jn wbA-nswt wab-awj nfr-prt mAa-xrw


Vadim, God is not "kind", but "younger, young". Read the work of O.D. Berlev "Two Kings - Two Suns".



Timothy, So, we come to the conclusion that the title nTr nfr, which was worn by the Egyptian kings, meant “beautiful god”, “young” and was opposed to the title of the Sun nTr aA “big god”,
of course "old". The opposition of "young" to "old" allows the terms to be translated as "elder" and "younger god" or even interpreted as "elder" and "younger sun". O.D. Berlev "Two Kings - Two Suns".

ティモテ、それで、我々は、エジプトの王たちが身に着けていた称号 nTr nfr は、「美しい神」、「若い」を意味し、太陽 nTr aA 「偉大な神」の称号とは反対であるという結論に達しました。
もちろん「古い」。 「若い」と「年寄り」の対立により、この用語は「年長者」と「年少の神」と訳されたり、「年長者」と「年若い太陽」とさえ解釈されたりすることができます。外径ベルレフ「二人の王 - 二つの太陽」。