





















rchaeologists have discovered a mummy wrapped in gold ...

https://phys.org › news › 2023-02-archaeologists-...
Feb 7, 2023 — How was Hekashepes preserved? Hekashepes' arms and legs had been individually wrapped to give the body a life-like appearance, and the head ...
5 pages




Egypt unveiled yesterday a gold-laced
mummy and four tombs, including of an
ancient king’s “secret keeper”, discovered
in the Saqqara necropolis south of Cairo.
The vast burial site at the ancient Egyptian
capital Memphis, a UNESCO World Heritage
site, is home to more than a dozen pyramids,
animal graves and old Coptic Christian
Archaeologist Zahi Hawass, Egypt’s former
antiquities minister, announced the latest discovery, dating from the fifth and sixth
dynasties -- around the 25th to the 22nd centuries BC -- to reporters at the dig site.
The largest tomb, “decorated with scenes of
daily life,” belonged to a priest, inspector and
supervisor of nobles named Khnumdjedef, said
It was found in the pyramid complex of
Unas, the last king of the fifth dynasty, who
reigned some 4,300 years ago.
Another tomb belonged to Meri, who
according to Hawass served as the pharaoh’s
appointed “secret keeper”, a priestly title held
by a senior palace official bestowing the power
and authority to perform special religious
A third tomb belonged to a priest in
pharaoh Pepi I’s pyramid complex, and the
fourth to a judge and writer named Fetek,
Hawass added.
Fetek’s tomb included a collection of “the
largest statues” ever found in the area, Mostafa
Waziri, head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of
Antiquities, told reporters.
Down a 15m shaft, the expedition also
found a large limestone sarcophagus that had
remained sealed “just as the ancient Egyptians
left it 4,300 years ago”, Hawass said.
Inside was a mummy featuring “gold-leaf
covering” that belonged to a man named
Hekashepes, according to Hawass, who
described it as one of the oldest and most
complete non-royal mummies ever found in
the country.
Egypt has unveiled many major archaeological discoveries in recent years.
Critics say the flurry of excavations has prioritised finds shown to grab media attention
over hard academic research.
But the discoveries have been a key component of Egypt’s attempts to revive its vital
tourism industry after years of political unrest,
as well as after the Covid pandemic.
The government’s plans -- the crowning
jewel of which is the long-delayed inauguration of the Grand Egyptian Museum at the
foot of the pyramids in Giza -- aim to draw in
30 million tourists a year by 2028, up from 13
million before the pandemic.
The country of 104 million inhabitants is
suffering from a severe economic crisis.
According to official figures, Egypt’s
tourism industry accounts for 10 percent of
GDP and some two million jobs.









در مصر باشد
باستانشناسان مصری مومیایی در مقبره
متعلق به عصر فرعونها کشف کردهاند که
ممکن است قدیمیترین و کاملترین مومیایی
این کشور باشد.
به گزارش ایسنا و به نقل از الجزیره،
باستانشناسان مصری از کشف مقبرهای
باستانی در نزدیکی قاهره خبر دادند که مومیایی
داخل آن احتماال قدیمیترین و کاملترین
مومیایی است که تاکنون در این کشور کشف
شده است.
این مومیایی ۴,۳۰۰ساله درحالی کشف شد که
در بخش انتهایی یک داالن ۱۵ متری قرار داشت.
»زاهی حواس« سرپرست گروه باستانشناسان
به خبرنگاران اعالم کرد که این داالن بخشی از
مجموعه مقبرههای باستانی است که قدمت
آنها به دودمان پنجم تا ششم »پادشاهی کهن«
مصر میرسد و اخیرا در نزدیکی هرم پلکانی
سقاره کشف شدند. این مومیایی مردی به
نام »هکاشپس« )Hekashepes )است که با
ورقهای از طال پوشانده شده بود و در تابوتدان
سنگآهکی قرار داشت.
»زاهی حواس« بیان کرد: »سرم را به
تابوتدان نزدیک کردم تا درون آن را ببینم؛
مومیایی زیبای مردی که کامال با الیههای طال
پوشانده شده بود در آن قرار داشت. ممکن است
این مومیایی قدیمیترین و کاملترین مومیایی
باشد که تاکنون در مصر کشف شده است.«
در سایر مقبرههایی که اخیرا کشف شده
است، مقبرهای متعلق به فردی به نام
»Khnumdjedef »کشف شد. این فرد در
دوران حکومت »اوناس«، آخرین فرعون دودمان
پنجم، مسوول نظارت بر اشرافزادگان و مقامات
بود. مقبره او منقش به تصاویر زندگی روزمره
مقبره دیگری نیز کشف شد که به فردی به نام
ِری« تعلق دارد. او رازدار و فرمانده ارشد کاخ
بود. در مقبره دیگری مجمومهای از مجسمههای
بسیار بزرگ کشف شد. این مقبره به فردی به
ِک« تعلق دارد. او قاضی و نویسنده بوده
نام »ف
در این مقبرهها چندین مجسمه از جمله
مجسمه مردی به همراه همسرش و چند


be in Egypt
Egyptian archaeologists mummy in the tomb
Belonging to the era of the pharaohs, they have discovered that
Possibly the oldest and most complete mummy
be this country
According to ISNA and quoted by Al Jazeera,
Egyptian archaeologists discovered tombs
Archaeologists near Cairo reported that a mummy
Inside it is probably the oldest and most complete
The mummy has never been discovered in this country
has been
This 4,300-year-old mummy was discovered while
There was a 15-meter corridor at the end.
"Zahi Hawass" head of the group of archaeologists
informed the reporters that this corridor is part of
The collection of ancient tombs is dated
They belong to the 5th to 6th "Old Kingdom" dynasties.
Egypt arrives and recently near the Step Pyramid
Saqara were discovered. This mummy is a man
The name "Hekashepes" is with
Sheets of gold were covered in the coffin
There was a limestone.
"Zahi Hawass" said: "My head to
I brought the coffin closer to see its interior;
A beautiful mummy of a man complete with gold layers
It was covered. May
This mummy is the oldest and most perfect mummy
May it be discovered in Egypt so far.
In other recently discovered tombs
is, the tombs belonging to a person named
"Khnumdjedef" was discovered. This person in
The reign of "Onas", the last pharaoh of the dynasty
Fifth, responsible for supervising nobles and officials
Was. His tomb is decorated with pictures of everyday life
Another tomb was also discovered for a person named
It belongs to He is the confidant and chief commander of the palace
Was. In another tomb, a collection of statues
It was discovered very large. This tomb belongs to an individual
It belongs to He was a judge and a writer
Name "F
In these tombs, several statues including
A statue of a man with his wife and some


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Archaeologists say they have discovered a "gold leaf-covered mummy" inside a 4,300-year-old sarcophagus that has never been opened. (Getty Images)

Archaeologists say they have discovered a "gold leaf-covered mummy" inside a 4,300-year-old sarcophagus that has never been opened.


The BBC reported that the mummy, named Hekashepes, is considered "one of the oldest and most complete non-royal mummies ever found in Egypt". It was found in the famous Egyptian cemetery Saqqara. A 15-meter-deep shaft was found at the bottom of a cemetery in the south, and three other graves were found in the same place. It is reported that one of the tombs belongs to a "secret keeper".

The largest mummy unearthed this time is said to be Khnumdjedef, a priest, censor and noble overseer, while the other mummy is a senior palace official named Meri, who was awarded " The title "Keeper of Secrets" enables them to perform special religious rituals. The final tomb belonged to a judge and writer named Fetek, and a series of statues believed to be the largest ever found in the area were found.


Zahi Hawas, Egypt’s former Minister of Antiquities and archaeologist, pointed out that “all the discoveries date back to around the 25th to 22nd centuries BC.” Saqqara has a history of more than 3,000 years, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is home to more than 10 pyramids.

As part of its efforts to revitalize the tourism industry, Egypt has announced many major archaeological discoveries in recent years. The government hopes that its Grand Egyptian Museum, originally scheduled to open this year, will attract 30 million tourists a year. However, some critics accuse the Egyptian government of reducing the number of tourists it will attract in order to attract more tourists. Media findings are prioritized over academic research.