Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 2月 17 ザプラチンヴァディムさんから Stele of Thutmose, father of the high priest Ptahmose. New Kingdom, XVIII Dynasty. (j)r(j)-pat HAtj-a bit-xtm ns-niwt TAtj DHwtj-ms mAa-xrw zA.f wr xrp-Hmwt ptH-ms mAa-xrw. Prince, prince "printer" of the king of Lower Egypt, manager of the city, dignitary Thutmose right-handed. His son, the greatest of the managing artisans (high priest of Memphis) - Ptahmos right-handed.
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 16 ザプラチンヴァディムさんから 1 month (season) Shemu. (Day) 13. The day is very auspicious. If you see anything on this day, (then) it will be good. 1 Smw 13 nfr nfr nfr jr mAA.n.k xt nbt m hrw pn jw.w nfrw. #The_Cairo_calendar_no86637.
note the very unusual spelling of the word jr - "if" with one character, instead of the traditional two characters - j and r.
jr という単語の非常に珍しいスペルに注目してください。従来の j と r の 2 文字ではなく、1 文字の「if」です。
モイセイユリイ Where did my comment go? I asked why you write nfr nfr nfr instead of nfrw? And then it is written in hieroglyphs not xt nbt ("any things") but xrt nbt ("any conditions, states" from xr) 2017 3月 16共有
ザプラチン ヴァディム Yuri, I have no idea where he's gone. Nfr was written out three times on the grounds that in this way the Egyptians divided the day into 3 parts, that is, in this case, all three parts of the day are favorable. Wed nfr nfr aHa - two thirds of the day are favorable, the last third is not. xrt- nothing more than a clerical typo, or a misinterpretation of the hieratic sign t, sometimes t and r cannot be distinguished in hieratic without understanding the context. Elev. that errors in translation, however, are not found in me. 2017 3月 17共有
ザプラチン・ヴァディム ユーリ、彼がどこに行ったのか分かりません。 Nfr は、エジプト人がこのように 1 日を 3 つの部分に分けた、つまり、この場合、1 日の 3 つの部分すべてが有利であるという理由で、3 回書かれました。結婚したnfr nfr aHa - 1 日の 3 分の 2 は有利ですが、最後の 3 分の 1 は有利ではありません。 xrt- 筆記者のタイプミス、またはヒエラティック記号 t の誤解以外の何ものでもありません。場合によっては、文脈を理解せずにヒエラティック記号で t と r を区別できないことがあります。高度。しかし、翻訳の誤りは私には見つかりません。 2017 3月 17 共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 17 (1 month (season) Shemu). Day 14. Honor (after) the birth of Bedeshit ... this is the day ... <1 Smw> hrw 14 <...> trj mswt bdSyt <...> hrw pwy <...> #The_Cairo_calendar_no86637.
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 17 Letter. n nb (j)m(j)-r pr anx wDA snb jj-jb anx wDA snb To the master, the manager of the house (may he be alive, whole and healthy), Ii-ibu (may he be alive, whole and healthy).
古代エジプトの文字 2017年3月17日 手紙。 n nb (j)m(j)-r pr anx wDA snb jj-jb anx wDA snb 主人、家の管理人(彼が生きていて、元気でいますように)、いいぶ(彼が生きていて、元気でいますように)へ。
Письменность Древнего Египта 2017 3月 18 · ザプラチン ヴァディムさんから Все то же письмо. Отправитель - Нени. Вертикальная строка: bAk n pr-Dt nnj Dd n jmj-r pr jj-jb anx wDA snb Слуга похоронного имения - Нени - говорит распорядителю дома - Ии-ибу (ж. ц. з.). 1. s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb r-ntt 2. hAw nb n nb(.j) anx wDA snb aD wDA 3. m nbt m hzt nt spdw nb jAbtt Hna psDt nTrw.f 4. nTrw nbw mj mrr bAk jm s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb 5. Hr rdjt djtw jb xnt pr 6. wHA mj tA s.wDA n.j jb.k Hr.s 7. Hr-ntt ntk jr nfr(w)t nbt kAj 8. apr.k pAy.k bw nfr 9. mk Dd.n n.j jmj-r Hwt-nTr ttj mk 10. rdj.n.j wDA-jb r sgr sw 11. kAj jrtw xft jrj n wn kA n HqA 12. Hr Hzt.k s.wDA-jb pw Hr.s 13. s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb nfr sDm nb(.j) anx wDA snb
古代エジプトの文字 2017 3月 18 ザプラチンヴァディムさんから 全部同じ文字。差出人 - ネニ。 縦線: bAk n pr-Dt nnj Dd n jmj-r pr jj-jb anx wDA snb 葬儀社の使用人であるネニは、家の管理人であるイイブ(f.c.z.)にこう言います。 1. s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb r-ntt 2. ハウ nb n nb(.j) anx wDA snb aD wDA 3. m nbt m hzt nt spdw nb jAbtt Hna psDt nTrw.f 4. nTrw nbw mj mrr bAk jm s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb 5. Hr rdjt djtw jb xnt pr 6. wHA mj tA s.wDA n.j jb.k Hr.s 7. Hr-ntt ntk jr nfr(w)t nbt kAj 8. apr.k pAy.k bw nfr 9. mk Dd.n n.j jmj-r Hwt-nTr ttj mk 10. rdj.n.j wDA-jb r sgr sw 11. kAj jrtw xft jrj n wn kA n HqA 12. 時 Hzt.k s.wDA-jb pw 時 13. s.wDA-jb pw n nb(.j) anx wDA snb nfr sDm nb(.j) anx wDA snb
This is a message for the lord (my) regarding (that) all the affairs of (my) lord are safe and prosperous, in their places, in favor (with) Sopdu, the lord of the East, together with the Nine of his gods and all the gods. Just as your humble servant wants. This is a message for (my) lord, indicating (lit. giving, causing) to pay attention to the house of Waha, like this message, your heart is on it, since you (one who) will do any good thing.
And you will get good. Behold, the steward of Teti's temple told me: "Behold, I informed (lit. I gave a message) to him so that his voice would be silenced, then everyone should act accordingly while the Ka of the ruler praises you. This message is because of this. This message (to me) lord, good listening, (my) lord!
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 20 ザプラチン ヴァディムさんから Tale of the doomed prince. 1.jr ntwf wa n nswt 2. bw pwyt msy.n.f zA TAy 3. [...] [dbH]t.n.f Srjw m-j nTrw nhAw.f Once (there was) one king, He could not (could) give birth to a male (sex) son. ... he asked for a boy, (and) behold, the gods impregnated him (lit. impregnated him). here, the word impregnated, perhaps, is understood as the fact that the gods gave the king the opportunity to conceive a child of a male.
ザプラチンヴァディム a fragment of a hieratic text that I have reconstructed.
ザプラチンヴァディム 私が再構築した聖句の断片。
Abcd Abcd Is it about Nut and Apis, Isis and Horus (whom she conceived from the corpse of Osiris), or is there some other legend that is more suitable? 2017 3月 20共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 20 ザプラチン ヴァディムさんから Tale of the doomed prince. 1. Hr wD djt msywt n.f 2. jw.f Hr sDr Hna tAy.f Hmt m pA grH 3. jst [w ...] jwr st Abdw n ms They (the gods) ordered to give birth (for the king) for him (for the king). (when) he slept with his wife that night. Here, ... pregnancy. It will end, months before birth.
古代エジプトの文字 2017 3月 20 ザプラチン ヴァディムさんから 運命にある王子の物語。 1. Hr wD djt msywt n.f 2. JW.F HR SDR HNA TAY.F HMT PA GRH 3. jst [w ...] jwr st Abdw n ms 彼ら(神々)は、彼(王のために)を産むように命じました。 その夜、彼は妻と一緒に寝ました。 ここで、...妊娠。それは誕生の数か月前に終わるでしょう。
Timofey, did not meet the mAAn form, at least Allen has only - mAn. I give an example of an identical sentence, now with only one difference - instead of jr (eyes), the word is written as j-r.
ティモフェイは mAAn の形式を満たしていませんでしたが、少なくともアレンは mAn のみを持っています。同じ文の例を示しますが、違いは 1 つだけです。jr (目) の代わりに、単語が j-r と書かれています。
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 3月 29 I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the draft version of the translation of A. H. Gardiner's lesson on relative verb forms (lesson 26) 古代エジプトの文字 2017 3月29 ザプラチンヴァディムさんから A. H. ガーディナーの相対動詞形式に関するレッスン (レッスン 26) の翻訳の草稿に慣れておくことをお勧めします。
シマコフチモフエイ But in my opinion it’s not at all like that, jr mAAn.k clearly cannot be read “if you see”, while “do / create (imperative) and you will see (all sorts of things, they are good on this day)”. 1 2017 3月 22共有
Письменность Древнего Египта 2017 4月 1 · ザプラチン ヴァディムさんから Сказка об обреченном принце. 1. aHa.n msywt wa n zA TAy 2. jj.t pw jr(w).n nA n Hwt-Hrywt 3. r SA n.f SAy 4. Hr Dd mt.f n pA msHw m r-pw pA HfAw mjtt pA jw. И (когда) родился сын мужского (пола), пришли богини Хат-Хор, чтобы предопределить ему предопределенное (т. е. судьбу). Говорят они: "Смерть его (будет) от крокодила, либо от змеи, либо собаки".
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 4月 1 Tale of the doomed prince. 1. aHa.n msywt wa n zA TAy 2. jj.t pw jr(w).n nA n Hwt-Hrywt 3. rSA n.f SAy 4. Hr Dd mt.f n pA msHw m r-pw pA HfAw mjtt pA jw. And (when) a male (sex) son was born, the goddesses Hat-Hor came to predetermine the predetermined (i.e., fate) for him. They say: "His death (will be) from a crocodile, or from a snake, or a dog."
古代エジプトの文字 2017年4月1日 運命にある王子の物語。 1. aHa.n msywt wa n zA TAy 2. jj.t pw jr(w).n A n Hwt-Hrywt 3. rSA n.f SAy 4. Hr Dd mt.f n pA msHw m r-pw pA HfAw mjtt pA jw。 そして、男(性別)の息子が生まれたとき、女神のハト・ホルは彼のためにあらかじめ定められた(つまり、運命)を決定するようになりました。彼らは言う、「彼の死はワニ、ヘビ、犬によるものであるだろう」
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 4月 15 Let's give the "Sun of Russian Egyptology" an opportunity to comment on the relief from the Nubian temple of Ramses II (Wadi es-Sebua) in his lecture "Ramses the Great and his time"? Let's give! The result of the "famous Egyptologist" is 1 correctly named deity out of 4 (!), despite the fact that Vitya, it seems, had to prepare for the lecture. So the lecture of the incomparable, Ronaldo and Messi of Egyptology, 1:40:25 (
"This is Ramesses, Inhara before him ... Ramses himself in the house of Amon ... the goddess Sekhmet ... and the goddess Anuket." In reality (and these are not the speculations of V.V. Solkin, but the inscriptions) we have before us "(united deity) Inkhara-Shu, Ramesses in the house of Amon (yes, this is Vitya read SMOG), then Tefnut (not Sekhmet, which is logical, since Inhara-SHU sits first), Nekhbet (not Anuket) closes the row of seated deities. Applause! You can, Vitya!
シマコフチモフエイさんがディアナさんに回答しました。 Diana, he knows ancient Egyptian more or less, it's true. I think that a person has a clear mental illness "narcissism". He is so self-confident that he does not need to prepare: the goddess has the face of a lioness - so this is Sokhmet, the temple in Nubia and the goddess has the crown of Upper Egypt - let it be Anuket, although, in my opinion, she is not depicted with the crown of B. E., but they like to portray in the southern Egyptian "states" and Nubia. 4 2017 4月 15共有
シマコフチモフエイ I decided to listen to his lectures (fortunately, YouTube is full of them), of course, all this is similar to the sermons of a parish priest and the amount of the word "great, great" (god, temple, king, Egyptologist, name) pronounced by V.V. Solkin's lectures go off scale (I think this is according to Freud, Vitya consciously or unconsciously considers himself to be great, hence such a love for this word). Bottom line: it still becomes clear why Vitya did not win love from people who are at least a little versed in Egyptology. 4 2017 4月 15共有
シマコフチモフエイ In each of his lectures, he easily makes nonsense without double-checking the material. Just mediocrity seeking fame and attention. 3 2017 4月 15共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 3 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Karnak. Floods-Ramses on a pedestal: Said by the High Water: I brought you every thing [...] in the hands of your son Said by the High Water: I brought you cool water [in the arms of your son]. Said by the High Water: I brought you greenery [all on] the hands of your son. Said by the High Water: I brought you every thing that is in this land in the hands of your son.
ドリョミンエヴゲニイ Yes, there were clearly several people under the common brand "Thutmose III". In general, everything is as always in politics - there is simply no way without doubles
I didn't quite understand what you mean. I meant that this, apparently, is the original version of the name of Thutmose III, and it is only in the inscriptions of the temple at Deir el-Bahri. For some reason, Thutmose III dropped the kA element from his throne name. 1 2017 9月 9共有
I didn't quite understand what you mean. I meant that this, apparently, is the original version of the name of Thutmose III, and it is only in the inscriptions of the temple at Deir el-Bahri. For some reason, Thutmose III dropped the kA element from his throne name. 1 2017 9月 9共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 16 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Once again about gender engineering in Egyptian: the gate to Deir el-Bahri with the names of Thutmose III. However, the fact that it was in fact the gates of Hatshepsut give out the Horus name (wsrt k3w "mighty with vital forces") titles (nbt ḫc "Mistress of the radiance", nbt t3wj nbt jrt ḫt "Mistress of the Two Lands, mistress of doing things", z3t rc nt ẖt.f mrt.f "daughter of the Sun of his belly, desired by him", dt cnḫ "gifted with life") and the name of the gate itself: sb mn-ḫpr-rc jmn ḥtp(.w) ḥr mnw.s "Gate of Menkheperre" Amon is pleased with her monuments "".
Dd mdw recitation, words to be spoken, to be pronounced [ noun ] I10 - S43 Dd mdw in recitation by I10 - S43 - M17 - N35 Dd mdw recitation (by), words spoken I10 - S43 - Z1 - Z3A p854/2568
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 23 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Temple of Ramses II at Abydos.
ḏd mdw jn ḏḥwtj zẖ3.j n.k ḥḥw rnpwt ḥfnnw m ḥ3bw sd wnn ḥwt.k mn.ṯ mj pt sšm.k ḥtp(.w) m ẖnw.s n ḏt
"Saying a speech by Thvot: I am writing to you for millions of years, hundreds of thousands of festivities-sed. Your temple (literally, your abode) will remain like the sky, your leading boat rests inside it forever."
シマコフチモフエイ As if "inside" (m ẖnw) is written as a rebus: the sign nw-{pot} + the word "water" (mw, three signs {water}), it turns out "water under the pot" (mw ẖr nw ~ m ẖnw) 2 2017 9月 23共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 23 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Karnak. Isis and Osiris crown Thutmose II with the crown of the Delta (Lower Egypt). Isis is most likely called [the mistress] of the city of the Goddess ([nbt] ntrt), she says: "The speech spoken: the son of [my belly ...], Thutmose, I gave you the crown of the Valley, the crown of the Delta [...] ". Osiris is called ḥr jb jpt swt "located in the midst of the Chosen (from) places (Karnak)", he says: c3-ḫpr-n-rc n.k scḥ.k... "Aaheperenra, I established your rank..."
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 26 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Who will transliterate and translate the Amani Stele from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA 12.182.2)? The text is not difficult.
イヴァノフドミトリイ 断片的にしか理解できない。ヒエログリフもトレースされません。象形文字 H は破線ではなく実線で書かれていますか? 2017 9月 26 共有
イヴァノフドミトリイ Understandable only in fragments. and also the hieroglyphs are not traced. Is the hieroglyph H written with a solid line, and not a broken line? 2017 9月 26共有
アレクセエフドミトリイ never claiming to be an expert, everything is strictly to the best of your understanding, so do not hit hard)) So, vertical lines:
1) Honoring Ra-Horakhti and Thoth, good at night (??), glorification (?) of Atum-Khepri, who created 2) yourself: You rose on the (primordial) mound, you shone on the (hill) Ben-Ben, (being) on the eastern horizon of the sky.
[here the rhyme slips: "you have risen (k3j) on the mound (k3), you have shone (wbn) on (the hill) Ben-Ben (Bn-Bn)"].
3) You pacified on the western horizon of the sky those who are on the night and day barges (of the Sun), (pacified the souls) Ba of the West and Ba of the East, (pacified both) the iterti sanctuaries of the South and North. 4) Ra-Horakhti is pacified in life... his radiance will be on the chest of the priest-uab Amani and his wife, Inet-Hapi. 5) Shu and Tefnut were pacified, Geb and Nut were pacified, Osiris and Isis were pacified, Horus was pacified by his Eye.
horizontal lines: 6) Seth is pacified with his testicles (?), Ra-Horakhti is pacified 7) in (status) "right-vowel", 8) as long as his enemy is defeated 9) under it, daily.
I apologize in advance, there is no time for stuffing transliteration)) 1 2017 9月 26共有
アレクセエフドミトリイ Vitya did not come up with this conclusion himself, I assure you))
and the Ramesses almost all loved these "puzzles" in one way or another, playing up the meaning of their name, as far as I noticed) for example, here Ramses VI successfully entered his name in the scene from the so-called "Book of Caves" in his own tomb:
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 29 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Mortuary Temple of Seti I at Qurna:
ḏd mdw jn wp-w3wt jnt nṯr r šbw.f m n.j jsjr sw mn-m3ct-rc nṯr ḥpj nṯrw mj n ḏwj.k m n njs.k m n.j r.k sw mn-m3ct-ra nṯr ḥpj nṯrw jnkḥm nṯr.k jwtjḫm. f ḏt.k m ḥ3bw.k m wnm t.k pn
Speech spoken by Wepwout: Delivery of God to his food. "Come to me, Osiris-king of Menmaatr, god, leader of the gods, come to your call, come to your call. Come to me, king of Menmaatr, god, leader of the gods, I am your priest, who does not forget about your person in your feasts. Come, eat this bread of yours."
ḏd mdw jn wp-w3wt jnt nṯr r šbw.f m n.j jsjr sw mn-m3ct-rc nṯr ḥpj nṯrw mj n ḏwj.k m n njs.k m n.j r.k sw mn-m3ct-ra nṯr ḥpj nṯrw jnk ḥm nṯr.k jwtjḫm. f ḏt .k m ḥ3bw.k m wnm t.k pn
シマコフチモフエイ We are restoring. Alexander expressed the idea that writing out the word "gods" with three signs {a falcon with a whip on the standard} is of a later time. In fact, both are reliefs from the time of Ramesses II. The word "god" has been written with the sign {falcon on the standard} since ancient times. 1 2017 10月 21共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 11月 1 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Bracer (for protection against a lowered bowstring) of an archer with the name of Thutmose IV. New Kingdom 18th Dynasty. Egyptian Museum, Berlin. Inv. No. 21685.
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 11月 19 アレクセエフ Fragment of the Jehutimes stele, late 18th Dynasty. National Museum of Poland, Warsaw.
1. [The sacrifice given by the king to Osiris, the god] great, the lord of Abydos; Thoth, lord of divine words, lord of Hermopolis, head of Truth; Ptah-Sokar, lord of Shetait ("hidden (place)"); Anubis, head of Ta-Jeser; 2. [Isis], the divine mother, the mistress of heaven, the head of Iwgrt ("Land of Silence", i.e. the Thebes necropolis); [to the gods] residing in Ta-Jeser; Nine gods, residing in the Necropolis. [Let] grant them 3. [food offering daily. For Ka] ....., praised by the god of his city, ..., Dzhehutimes.
ドリョミンエヴゲニイ Here, and again (again [for the second time] in the laid out example), this "Germopol" was written out without any determinant (sign O49). It can be so, so)) 2017 11月 19共有
シマコフチモフエイ By the way, this Thvotmes has a very interesting title: ṯ3 [...] n z3 "bearer [...] of protection" - it would be nice to find out what kind of "[...] protection" this is. Dmitry, what do you think? 1 2017 11月 20共有
アレクセエフドミトリイ The caption to the exhibit called the owner "chorążego Dżehutimes", i.e. Literally from the Polish "Ensign Jehutimes". now I’m thinking what rank in the Egyptian army corresponded to our ensign)) 1 2017 11月 20共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2018 12月 3 "Hathor-falcon" (ḥwt-ḥr bjkt) in the chapel of Nefertum of the complex of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, the mortuary temple of Seti I in Abydos. "She gives kindness (and) love to Menmaatr"
アレクセエフドミトリイ in the temple of Dendera, in the local chapel of Osiris, all the gods of the nomes are represented as falcons and falconers - it is clear that the local priesthood was not weak then)) 2018 12月 3共有
ガヴリシマクシム Dmitry, please remind me who else was revered in Dendera besides Hathor? Horus or Montu? I don’t remember other falconheads in that region 2018 12月 3共有
アレクセエフドミトリイ the local triad (Hathor Dendery, Khor Bekhdetsky and their son Ihi) ruled there for the most part. Starting from the Middle Kingdom, Harsotus (Chorus - the Unifier of the Two Lands) enjoyed special honor there. As for the mentioned images from the chapel of Osiris, this is easily explained: all the deities there have the bodies of falcons due to the fact that the concepts of "falcon" and "god" have long and firmly become identical. 2018 12月 3共有
Makarov Maxim But, by the way (or maybe not by the way), who looks out of the window of this naos? What does the inscription say? And why is there a calf's head on the roof? The address is the same: Abydos, Seti 1.
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 58, 177 Beckerath, Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen (1999), 156-157, 3:E10
Ancient Egyptian writing 2019 1月 1 Mut and Ramesses II in front of Ptah and Sokhmet. Ptah kalam writes the throne name of Ramesses "wsr m3ct rc stp.n rc" (Powerful order of the Sun, chosen by the Sun). Temple of Ramses II at Abydos. Ptah's speech: "I give that your name may be strong in your abode by writing with two fingers of my own" d.j mn rn.k m ḥwt.k m zẖ3 ḏbcwj.j ḏs.j
古代エジプトの文字 2019年1月1日 プタハとソメットの前にムットとラムセス2世。 プタハ・カラムはラムセスの王位名を「wsr m3ct rc stp.n rc」(太陽に選ばれた強力な太陽の秩序)と書きます。 アビドスのラムセス2世神殿。 プタハの演説:「あなたの名前があなたの住まいに強く残るよう、私の指二本で書きます」 d.j mn rn.k m ḥwt.k m zẖ3 ḏbcwj.j ḏs.j
シマコフチモフエイ The speech of Mut, head of the house of Ptah (ḫnt pr ptḥ): enter into the great house (pr wr) (to) see your father Ptah, the master of maat. 2019 1月 1共有
シマコフチモフエイ The speech of Sokhmet: "I gave you the reign of Geb, the position (and power?) of Atum, your age is the age of the Sun (on) a person of eternity." Sokhmet makes njnj "for your beautiful face, Horus, who made the illumination." 2019 1月 1共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2019 1月 1 Ramesses II presents Osiris with a cylinder-ḥn in which there is a papyrus with a dedicatory inscription. Temple of Ramses II at Abydos.
Ramesses' speech: "the gift of the cylinder-ḥn of my noble abode to my father Osiris, (so that) he gives it to be more than a century of heaven (for) a person of eternity"
Osiris' answer: "How beautifully said by your Incarnation in the cylinder-ḥn of your noble abode. What came out of your mouth is fixed like heaven for all eternity"
シマコフチモフエイ Choir's speech: "I am in your thoughts Your incarnation, your beauty will not be forgotten, the owner of the Two Lands, desired by me." tw.j n.k m sḫ3w n ḥm.k nn s.ḫ nfr.k nb t3wj mr.j (you can also read "I will not forget (I) you (and) your beauty" nn s.xm (.j ? ) twnfr.k). 2 2019 1月 1共有
シマコフチモフエイ 合唱団のスピーチ:「私はあなたの思いの中にいます。あなたの化身、あなたの美しさは決して忘れられません、私が望んでいた二つの土地の所有者です。」 tw.j n.k m sḫ3w n ḥm.k nn s.ḫ nfr.k nb t3wj mr.j (「私は (私) あなた (そして) あなたの美しさを忘れません」 nn s.xm (. j ? ) twnfr.k)。 2 2019 1月 1 共有
シマコフチモフエイ Ramesses is designated as "a living, younger god, elevating (area) the Great Land, he is equipped for a century" cnḫ nṯr nfr s.c3 t3-wr ḥn sw n m-ḫt cḥc 1 2019 1月 1共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2019 1月17 Ramesses II and the bearer of the royal standard Ani (Anya) pay homage to the statue "Usermaatra, chosen by the Sun, Montu in the Upper (and) Lower"
Ancient Egyptian writing 2019 1月28 Ramesses II donates wine or water to Hor "his father's guardian" (nḏ(tj) t.f). Louvre, Paris.
"I gave you festivities sitting (in number) like the stars of heaven, the owner of the Two Lands, Usermaatra, chosen by the Sun, to whom life is given"
シマコフチモフエイ Maxim, to be honest, I didn’t deal with this fetish and didn’t study the literature on it (“I didn’t read Solzhenitsyn, but I know ...”), but in my opinion this is NOT a reliquary as Vitya Solkin is trying to interpret it (which, I think, is something read about it). Therefore, I doubt that there was something in the form of the head of Osiris, but I can’t say for sure. 2019 1月 31共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2019 4月 1 Ramesses II incense for "Great Mut, mistress of jšrw". At the same time, the king reads the "incense spell for the uraeus (crct / jrct)", which is part of the temple ritual and is carved in front of and above the image of the king.
シマコフ チモフエイ Carole, I correct you: "Each plant perishes as it is born", in other words it perishes and is born in the same way but the word does not perish. 1 お気に入りお気に入り登録者リストの表示2022 1月 28共有
Ancient Egyptian writing 2022 2月 4 2 ushebti with non-standard text: 1) ushebti of Prince Khaemwaset, 4th son of Ramesses II (Louvre E 917)
wn ḥr.k mƷ.k jtn dwƷ.k rᶜ m ᶜnḫ m r-stƷw pẖr.k jƷt ṯƷtmwt nmy.k jnt r r-stƷw ḥrj wbƷ.k tpḥt štƷ ḥms. k jst jmj tƷḏsr mj jzwt wrw ḫr rᶜ
“Your face is open, (so that) you see the Disc, (so that) you glorify the Sun as a living one, you are called from Rostau, you go around Tatmet Hill, you overcome the valley to Rostau above, you open a secret cave, you occupy a place that in reserved land (=necropolis) like a team of the great at the Sun”
2) Ushabti from the tomb of Yuya and Tuya (KV46) with the text of spell 151 “Book of the Dead”.
The ushabti (also called shabti or shawabti, with a number of variant spellings) was a funerary figurine used in ancient Egyptian funerary practices. The Egyptological term is derived from𓅱𓈙𓃀𓏏𓏭𓀾wšbtj, which replaced earlier𓆷𓍯𓃀𓏏𓏭𓀾šwbtj, perhaps the nisba of𓈙𓍯𓃀𓆭šwꜣb "Persea tree".
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 9 シマコフ チモフエイさんから The rarest case when the sign sn (T22) really looks like what it depicts is {upper part of the arrow}. Karnak.
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 9 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Karnak. Two reliefs (Seti I and Ramesses II) depicting the dedication of the temple to Amun. (rdt pr n nb.f "Giving the house to its owner")
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 9 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Karnak. "I gave you that your name is strong like the sky, your age is like (age) of the Disc in it."
Письменность Древнего Египта 2017 9月 9 · シマコフ チモフエイさんから Карнак. Аменхотеп III перед Амоном-Солнцем. "Желанный Амоном более царя всякого, тот, которого дал он на престол свой, когда он (был) юношей".
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 9 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Karnak. Amenhotep III in front of Amon the Sun. "Desired by Amon more than any king, he whom he gave to his throne when he (was) a youth."
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 15 sḩr jrṯt "milking milk" Mysterious Ancient Egypt . Mysterious Ancient Egypt 2017年9月15日 13:30 Milking cows. Detail of the painting on the wall of the mastaba of Mechechi, Saqqara. Ancient Kingdom, Dynasty V, reign of King Unas. (c) De Agostini/Getty Images
Ancient Egyptian writing 2017 9月 15 シマコフ チモフエイさんから Two games in the sacrificial list on Rahotep's false door: mḥn (written out ḥmn) "Snake Ring" and znt "Senet".
ガヴリシ マクシム さんがチモフエイさんに回答しました。 Timofey, in the first photo there are a lot of hieroglyphs that I have not seen yet: a circle with a cup bA, feet in a square😄, some kind of incomprehensible determinative after is.t. Another stretcher (like Hetepheres), well, at least it’s understandable